Development plan
Transactions per day
Monthly turnover Monthly turnover to output for IPO
Time left until IPO
Why choose Beavro?
We’ve channelled all our know-how and passion into creating Beavro. With unrivalled attention to detail, we’ve built a software solution that helps your logistics teams out-perform. Beavro enables your employees to have increased productivity, optimizing and enhancing your profitability rates. In addition, Beavro is easy to use, with a learning curve that requires only a few days to appropriate all its features.
Our software
What is Beavro?

Smart features
- All your documents in one place. Beavro helps you gather all your documents in one single place for better control and an insightful overview. The stock take module provides a database of customers and carriers with extensive office functionality.
- Valuable overview of your finances. Beavro’s powerful financial module enables you to determine credit worthiness, solvency and turnover rate in correlation to financial ratios such as ROA, ROE, ROL, ROCE, ROS.
- Intelligent connections. The managed intelligent module inside Beavro connects cargos and trucks by taking into account geolocation and tapping into calendars. This way, Beavro can make the best decisions regarding the most efficient ways of transport for declared loads. In addition, Beavro’s intelligent module also gives you access to information about leads and prospects that haven’t turned into a deal (yet).
- Gateway to Better Deals. Beavro helps you make better choices with the help of the analytical module. You’ll easily tap into quantitative and qualitative assessments of all aspects of your business and processes, alongside recommendations on risks and prices. By leveraging these insights, your employee will always strike deals that correspond to your target yield!
What makes Beavro one-of-a-kind?
Following an ambitious, carefully laid-out development plan.
Leverage technology to offer emerging markets a global competitive advantage in terms of logistics.
Deliver tech-solutions to help businesses seamlessly manage their logistics processes and communications within the supply chain.
Beavro’s team gathers 18 professionals who make for an original blend of tech talent and operations management expertise.

Types of Businesses Use Beavro in Logistics
How can Beavro help you grow your business?
Take your business to new grounds.

Through its intelligent management features, Beavro enables you to boost the KPI of your employees, increase efficiency and reduce the cost of wages down to 4 times less what you’re currently paying.
Built with cloud technology, Beavro is guaranteed to keep your confidential documents private, while expanding its capabilities to deliver an all-inclusive ecosystem. Beavro’s dynamic architecture enables you to store as many documents as you need and grow your business through a sustainable, scalable model.
Beavro enables you to reach out to the rest of the world through APIs, delivering a new type of business that relies on system-to-system communications. Helps you know when a hiccup in the logistics process and eliminates any issues with deliveries. Plus, you get notified of every cargo successfully delivered.
In addition, Beavro is managed by a team of qualified professionals and tech enthusiasts that aim for continuous innovation. This ensures a steady flow of upgrades and improvements no other vendor can match.
Beavro is Mobile
Keep All Logistics In Your Pocket

Entry in the Market for IPO Services
For us «going public» is more than just selling stock. It’s a signal to the world that the business has made it.That’s why undertaking an initial public offering (commonly known as an IPO) — the first sale of stock to the public by a private company — come the very important goal for us. Also in future this gives to our company a greater ability to grow and expand.
Office Address
Avenue Northwest #100
Washington, DC 20037
new york
Working Hours
Monday-Friday: 9:00 – 18:00
Saturday: 11:00 – 17:00
Sunday: Closed
Monday-Phone: +1 916-875-2235
Mobile: +1 916-875-2235
Fax: +1 916-875-2235